I hate allergies!

Blah!! After all this rain we have been having, I guess everything has decided to bloom again and sent my allergies through the roof! I have had the worst headache in the back of my head, achy shoulders, a tickle in my throat that makes me cough, and am congested. Well, I’m hoping it’s just allergies! I know it could be worse, at least it’s not keeping me from doing things!!

Anyway, last night I had a fun walk with Erin. It was great to catch up and get some exercise at the same time!! Today I kind of had some sporadic workouts. I got up before class this morning and did a short 12 minute strength routine. Then I walked and studies on the treadmill this afternoon for 30 minutes. And after that I took Sadie for a 1 mile walk. Man is it hot outside! Probably should have waited until the sun went down but she was itching to get out of the house!!

I have a BIG test week next week and have been studying like crazy! I am trying to get a lot accomplished this week because I am going to visit my best friend/ matron of honor Jaime this weekend!! She just moved to Nashville so I am making a quick trip to see her over the weekend since my classes are cancelled!! I can’t wait! We just realized it’s been over 1 1/2 years since we saw each other last! That is WAY too long!! Can’t wait for Friday to get here!!

Tomorrow is a run day so hopefully my allergies won’t be so bad! Hope everyone has a GREAT rest of the day!


  1. My allergies have been in high gear too! It's like Spring around here!

  2. Hope you feel better! Boo for the weather! One minute it's a scorcher out there, the next it's storming...blah!

  3. Good luck on your test girl and Nashville should be fun and great times with great friends is always a plus :)

  4. ugh, alergies are a drag! i only get them once in a while and i don't even have figured out what sets them off...hope you feel better soon!