
I was tagged by Stacey to list 7 traits about myself. Ya'll check out her blog, she is awesome!!Hmm... here it goes!!

1.I love my dog Sadie like she's my life. Seriously, I wonder if I will ever love my child as much as my dog! Ha!
2. The one thing in life that I really wish I could do is sing! I would give anything for a great voice!
3. I met Al, my BF, when I was 17 on prom night after my date decided he didn't want to go to prom the day of! Jerk! Guess it was fate:)
4. The phone I am currently carrying is a pink razor phone that I bedazzled many years ago when pink razor phones first came out. I am carrying this because my other phone broke and I can't upgrade yet. And I am embarrassed of it every time I pull it out!
5. I spend way too much time at my parents house, life would be much cheaper if I still lived there! Don't think Al would be too fond of that idea though...
6. My birthday is on Christmas Day and I love it! I hate when people immediately say "that must suck" after I tell them my birthday. It's awesome to be born on Christmas!
7. I am a nurse and love it. Spent 2 years working in the Pediatric ICU and am now in CRNA school!

I tag whoever wants to do this! It's actually a lot of fun!!


  1. Awwww :) Thanks, you're awesome too! Lol I feel the same way about my Trixie..I now understand why people talk to their dogs like kids..haha

  2. Funny about the cell phone. So was Al a last minute set up? So fate!!

    Good job on the run yesterday. Very cool you got up despite you desire to stay in bed. Sometimes you jut gotta sacrafice sleep for a workout.