Blogger Meet-up, Shopping, The Blind Side
Happy Monday everyone!! I hope ya’ll have had a good day so far, especially those who had to go back to work today. Luckily, I don’t have to go back to school until Wednesday, but I do have to start studying again tomorrow. I am ready to go back though because I only have another 2 weeks and I will be on Christmas Break!! I also have felt like a slacker in the running/exercise department, so I am ready to get back into my routine tomorrow with an early morning run with Erin! Since my half marathon is Saturday (YIKES!!) I am trying to taper this week but it’s hard to NOT run like I’m used to! I really had to not let myself run today and rest! Tough stuff when your legs are so raring to go! Haha!! I have been slacking on Whittle My Middle also, so I got back on track with that today! Since we started a little late on that challenge, Erin and I are only halfway through, so it’s time to take our halfway measurements! I am doing mine in the morning so I will let ya’ll know how that goes tomorrow!
Erin and I had the awesome privilege to meet Bobbi today!! Her hubby is from the Memphis area and they were in town for Thanksgiving!! I knew we would all hit it off right away! It’s so refreshing to meet another Christian blogger with the same love for running, health, fitness, and God!! We met up at Starbucks early this morning. I had a Nonfat Peppermint Mocha (I only get one pump of each otherwise it’s too sweet for me!) and it was so good!! I can’t believe how fast time flew and before I knew it, we had to go because Erin had to get to work! Time really flies when you’re having fun!! Here is a pic from our meet-up (courtesy of Bobbi’s hubby)
So glad we could do this and it was so great meeting you Bobbi!! And Matt too!! We will definitely have to do it again next time you are in town!!
Since today was Cyber Monday, I decided to do a little online shopping! I saw that Gap, Banana, Piperlime, and Old Navy were all having 20% off and free shipping! I found a lot of things I wanted but ended up only getting a new pair of black boots from Piperlime (I had to draw the line somewhere!!) Love these boots I purchased and they were on sale, plus I got 20% off and free shipping! Can’t beat that!! I also bought my first Christmas present of the season! I bought my brother these things called Stuffitts. They go in your running shoes (or any other shoes) and keep them stink free!! I want the pink pair!! This is a great gift idea for any runners!!
I found the BEST water bottles EVER the other day at Sports Authority. I really try to use reusable water bottles for everyday water drinking, and I needed some new ones. I purchased these Nathan water bottles and they are awesome! I have been drinking out of them everyday! I got a pink one and a blue one! Here’s the pink:
And last but not least, my mom and I went to see The Blind Side today! AWESOME movie!! So touching, especially since it took place here in Memphis at Briarcrest Christian School! If you haven’t seen it, definitely do! It’s so worth the expensive movie tickets!
And with that, I’m off to catch up on my Google Reader and work on my Christmas List! What’s on your Christmas list this year?
Posted in: on Monday, November 30, 2009 at at 7:09 PM 6 comments