Do You Like Thunderstorms??
1 more day until Spring Break!! And unfortunately it’s a long day of school… oh well, at least I get to sleep in!! Class doesn’t start until 12pm :)
I was up and at ‘em early to go take a test. It was pretty tough, just as I expected. But really, what test isn’t hard these days?!?
I kept my Oatmeal super simple this morning, sorry pretty borning. I just made Banana Oatmeal and snuck some PB under the warm oats. It got all melty and creamy! Loved it!! Much better than just a big glob on top.
I got home from class and headed out for a run around 10:30am. The weather was looking a little sketchy, so I decided to do some hill repeats. I have a nice hill exactly 1 mile from my house that I use, so I would have been close in case the skies decided to open up. I was super sore from my strength training yesterday, so I knew these hills would be tough. The hill I use is exactly 1/4 of a mile, so it makes all the numbers work out evenly! I like that!! I warmed up with 1 mile at a 9:30ish pace and then did 6 hill repeats, running really hard up and slower on the way down. I finished this run up with a 1 mile cool down at an 8:58 pace, making it a total of 5 miles. Boy was this tough!! I wasn’t sure I was going to make it to 6 repeats, I was running up those hills super fast!! Not to mention, there was a super strong wind blowing against me as I ran up the hill (of course). But it sure made for an awesome workout!! I also took Sadie on a 1 mile walk around our neighborhood and walked 3 more miles on the treadmill while watching TV. All in all, a great workout day! Lots of miles!
What’s your favorite workout?
First we have a mixture of brown rice, spiced chickpeas, and roasted asparagus topped with Texas Pete hot sauce!
And secondly, I had 1/2 cup of Kefir mixed with ~1 TBSP Plain Greek yogurt. Topped with an orange, a scoop of PB, and some PB granola. Yummy!! I think I could eat breakfast type foods for every single meal!!
I also had a mix of chocolate chips and raisins.
My afternoon snack:
Trail mix and tea!
My trail mix contained:
- Kashi H2H
- Chocolate chips
- Raisins
- TJ’s Chile Spiced Dried Mango (These are so good! Sweet and spicy!)
Leftover veggie enchiladas with some home made chips and guac! This was definitely just as good the second day! Loved this enchilada recipe!
And for dessert:
Chocolate Cherry Cordial Ice Cream!! Plus some un-pictured chocolate chips! I am dangerous around chocolate chips and raisins! Haha!!
Apparently it’s supposed to storm in a little bit. I am all for a good thunderstorm, as long as tornadoes aren’t involved!!
Do you like storms?
Well, gotta jet! Catch y’all tomorrow!!
Posted in: on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at at 8:28 PM
I like storms, as long as i've already gotten my run in! The best are those summer heat-lightning storms. I think they're kinda pretty and relaxing to watch from the porch!
I hate storms! I sure hope we don't get any tornadoes. It was crazy warm today though!
Storms are not my friend...when it get to thundering and lightning, I start to get really scared. I was in a tornado as a 4th grader and it made me super nervous around bad weather.
I love storms. Especailly when the power goes out. So fun. Game night!!!
Great job on the run girl. Even your warm up is getting super speedy!
Your lunch looks DELICIOUS! Great ideas :)
I hate storms! I'm such a wuss.
Tried NM peanut butter today wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla with a banana. YUMMY!