Half Marathon Training Week 10!!

I can’t believe I am already at week 10! Only 6 more to go until the half marathon. I think I will be ready :)


Like I said in my post yesterday, I have kinda been slackerish this week because I was BUSY!! So here is my week recap:


Monday: 10 miles

Tuesday: 4 miles

Wednesday: off

Thursday: 4 miles, fartleck run

Friday: off

Saturday: 2 miles, strength training

Sunday: 6 miles

Total: 26 miles


My run today was tough! I really pushed myself and did 6 miles in 58:52. That is an average pace of 9:49!! I was pretty accurate on my mile splits too! Check them out…


Mile 1: 10:05

Mile 2: 9:58

Mile 3: 9:43

Mile 4: 9:41

Mile 5: 9:45

Mile 6: 9:40


It was actually pretty warm outside when I ran today and I ended up being a sweaty mess! I want my 50 degree temps back!!


Well, that’s all for now. I promise I will post wedding dress pics very soon! I know I’m mean for making ya’ll wait… I’m sorry :)


  1. can't wait to see the wedding dress pics :) Glad you are still keeping up your running, keep at it girlie!

  2. That's awesome, girl.... and can't wait to see the dress!!!! :)

  3. Great week. You will be SO READY!!

  4. You had an awesome 6 miler. My goal is to do a 10k in under an hour. Hopefully soon I will do it.