Rainy Friday

Today has been a super rainy day! It was even raining so hard at one point that my mom and I got stuck in Home Depot for quite a while! And, Home Depot is not that exciting of a store to be stuck in for a long period of time!! We were at Home Depot to buy some more stones for my planters in my yard. Well, I bought more of the ones I thought I had but it ends up I bought the WRONG color! Agh! Oh well, I can use those in the backyard and my parents, being the cool people that they are, are willing to pick up the RIGHT color stones on the way to my house tomorrow. Crisis averted!! They are coming to help me finish up my flower beds and to mulch them.


Before all the yard work fun though, I have a 5k race in the morning! Yea! I am super excited! And even more so that my mom said she could come and cheer me on! I love having supporters! I had a wonderful pizza dinner so I am fueled and ready to go in the morning! I don’t think I plan on eating anything before the race because I know my stomach will act up if I do. I do have a few different time goals if my head but I’m not going to share them just yet! Want to see how I do first :) Wish me luck!!


Do ya’ll have any fun plans for the weekend?? I am actually kinda excited to work in my yard tomorrow because it’s going to be a beautiful day!!


  1. Good luck with the race girl!!!!! :)