Busy at work!
I have been so busy at work this weekend, I haven't had the time or energy to post. I'm a nurse in a PICU and sometimes its just crazy there. And this weekend I was in charge and it's always crazy when I charge! But anyways, I hope everyone had a GREAT valentine's day! Since Al and I did our Valentine's on Friday, I spent Valentine's day at work and then dinner with the girls! It was a blast:)
Has anyone seen "Confessions of a Shopaholic"? I can't wait to see it!! Looks so cute, can't believe they actually made a movie based on my life! Ha!
So tomorrow is my official start back to running day. Woohoo! Finally! Hope my ankle decides to behave. Don't know how far I will be able to go, check back tomorrow and I will definately post about it! I am starting an exercise over haul tomorrow since I'm going to Florida in April! Gotta get bikini ready:) I was very excited to realize I start soccer back in about a week! I play on a coed team and its one of the most fun things EVER!
I am very happy to be off work tomorrow and have alot of things I need to get done, but I'm also gonna relax. I am very addicted to the TWILIGHT books and am on the third one, ECLIPSE, and can't wait to actually have time to read a bunch tomorrow! Is anyone else a fan? If you have never read them, pick Twilight up, its very addicting!!
Posted in: on Sunday, February 15, 2009 at at 9:12 PM
Hey there! Okay, you're letter is.... C!