After doing a million loads of laundry, I decided it was time for my run. I did 2.5 miles on my hilly route. I would say this particular route is 75% hills! It was a great workout! My legs were screaming! I have a love/hate relationship with hills. I really enjoy running them because it breaks up the monotony of running and my thinking is if you go up you must come down! Haha, but it also makes my runs tougher! And I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but mentally sometimes it can be no fun! But I really enjoyed my run today, I felt very productive. I did a little ab workout before hand too. Tomorrow I have soccer at night, but I am also planning to do 2 miles in the am. I might throw in a little arm work too, guess we will see!! The weather was so nice today!! Overcast and in the 70's!! Yay, I love this weather. I really enjoy running in warm weather (not HOT) because I feel like I worked extra hard since I get so sweaty and my face gets beat red! Gross I know but that's how I feel! Haha. Now, when the temps get in the 90's with crazy heat indexes, that's when I wish for cool weather! Plus that means I have to get up extra early on my days off to run before the scorching heat appears. Oh the joys of Memphis summer! How was everyone's Monday?? Was the weather nice where you are?
Posted in: on Monday, March 23, 2009 at at 8:19 PM